Ways To Use Facebook For Your Hard Money Investing Business
Who is not on Facebook nowadays? As we live, work and play in communities, social networks make it easier for us to share instant moments, connect with like-minded people and keep informed of topics and activities which you are interested in. Don’t overlook the huge value buried in these invisible connections on Internet. Opportunities are also waiting for you and your hard money investing business to dig deep inside.
But why not other platforms? It’s all free on Facebook!
No matter you spend five hours or 15 hours a week utilizing Facebook to help your business post ads, share activity links or make contents, no added expenses will be charged on Facebook. Yes. This free-of-service feature is always overlooked by many loyal users of Facebook. Here are other five main features of Facebook, which cost you zero, but succeed your business 100 percent.
Remember to utilize these five features of Facebook.
Facebook Live
Who can avoid a compelling live video on his/her personal Facebook homepage? On a verified account, you can exhibit a real-time experience to your audiences, introduce your house property and interview those well-renowned hard money investors. Potential audiences will get excited about a well-decorated house with promising profits in the future. They can even engage in the social media by asking questions — a mutual communication between you and your audiences.
Share Photos
Never post any content on Facebook without a single photo! Boring blocks of text on your page will never influence on the customers to engage with your business Facebook account.
Here are some tricks. Add some good quotes of the tycoons in your industry as infographics along with your marketing content will double the impact of a single content post.
Join Groups
First of all, find three to five relevant groups within your industry to keep your business connected and well informed. Leverage on the social impact of a group to attract other hard money investors to follow your own home page. If you have a rental home available, provide three to four photos and a brief description of the property, such as furnishing status, facilities and utilities.
Ask Questions
Don’t ever think that it will make you unprofessional in front of your target audiences if you ask them questions. Instead, by asking questions, you can have a better understanding of your investors’ needs and how to improve the service to meet their demands. Questions are also solutions. Grab this path to make a shortcut to your future hard money investors.
Schedule Posts
Facebook allows you to schedule a set of social media posts for an entire week in advance. This stream of scheduled content can have a massive impact by proving to your audience that you are trustworthy for steady, high-quality posts. Pay attention that select specific times which suit to the traffic metrics on Facebook.
Benjamin Donel, CEO